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domingo, 27 de março de 2011

These foibles of Americans ...

Atendendo a pedidos (foram 8 recados insistentes), republico em inglês o texto "Essas manias de americanos..."
A tradução é do google tradutor. Ainda bem que não precisamos tomar shaks para utilizar esses recursos da web. 
I and half the population of the world we are being besieged by food vendors in dust and other junk food invented by North Americans. I might even fall for it, as thousands of Brazilians have fallen, but I promise to endure much.
Although these super salespeople trained to sell health claim, these products resemble Coke, snacks "X-anything, hot dogs and many other evils deployed by the Americans in Brazil. I even remember the pests of crops, pesticides, movies, whatever ... all this rubbish dumped in Brazil and that influences our habits, tastes, economics, etc..
It is rather strange exchange our rich and delicious teas and culinary shaks produced by a nation that has one of the worst eating habits, whose population is obese and sick. And the price? Nonsense! It has one of these companies selling aloe vera juice. Health is only one argument. Their business is our money. They need to generate revenue to continue their imperialist project.
I will not continue, but there are plenty of arguments. It's because I will not be understood by most Brazilians as "containers". If all of these things are sold in Brazil is because we buy. Well done to us, suckers.

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